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Ms. Priya Doraswamy

Lotus Lane Literary

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Priya Doraswamy

Lotus Lane Literary

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This agent is seeking the following genres:


Literary Fiction
Women's Fiction


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Known Clients (current & past)
Cathy Ace
Meena Alexander
Marie Celine
Nancy Colier
Andres Cruciani
Farrukh Dhondy
Annie England Noblin
Steven Farmer
Andrew Ginsburg
Sumi Hahn
Jane Haseldine
Dennis James
Bharti Kirchner
V Sanjay Kumar
Glenn Meganck
Melinda O'Neill
Pia Padukone
Aroon Raman
J R Ripley
Zarrar Said
Aparna Santhanam
Arshia Sattar
Hindol Sengupta
Nancy Stearns Bercaw
Ernest Thompson
Amita Trasi
Sung J Woo
Trix Worrell
Ovidia Yu
Author Comments
Comments by authors about this agent.
10/05/2024 03:24 PM
QR: 9/20/24
CNR: 10/5/24 [per website, no response within two weeks ==> CNR]

My first CNR. I feel kind of ignored and a bit worthless to experience a CNR. Even a form rejection is some kind of acknowledgement, but CNR is terrible. Oh! Well!
07/04/2024 05:56 PM
Email Query: 7-4-24

92K Historical Fiction
02/13/2024 10:56 AM
Email query 1/30/24
CNR per website guidelines 2/13/24

Historical mystery 93k

12/23/2023 02:17 PM
Query Sent: 12/07/2023
Marked CNR: 12/23/23
Literary Horror 56k words

Profile Update

Patrick (Admin)
10/02/2023 11:47 AM
Profile Update: Open to queries.
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Profile History
Last Update:
10/02/2023 - Open to queries.
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